Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Martin family had a little family vacation in August at a lake in Idaho called Sandpoint.  It was nice to spend a few days catching up with everyone.  Jeff came home from his mission just days before we left.  So it was nice to have him there.  Karianne and Larry came down from BYU to join us, and Carol Beth came all the way from Boise State too.  Byron and Nancy and the kids were there too.  It was nice. No...I'm not freakin' out or anything.  Look at Brent with his smug little face.  He told me I was making our niece freak out too.  Whatev...

We also made a trip to the local amusement park.  Tanner got to ride on the elephants, ferris wheel, old fashioned cars, merry-go-round, and kiddie coaster.  Mommy was worried the whole time...but we made it through without any accidents.  He looks so little on the rides--after all he is only 6 months old in these pictures.  What was I thinking?!?

Byron's leg was in a cast while we were there.  I'm sure that was fun for him.  He was a good sport though.

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